Barnabus Mental Health Counseling

Category: Grief, Mood Disorder, Mental Health Counseling, Substance Abuse Individual Counseling, Parent Education Group, Anti-bullying Programs, Child/Adolescent, Individual Counseling , Faith based, Depression, Trauma, Outpatient Mental Health Counseling

Organization: The Barnabus Center for Counseling

Phone: (912) 352-7638

Address: 1 Oglethorpe Professional Blvd, Suite 201

Description: Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit fro...

GCAL Crisis and Access Hotline

Category: Mood Disorder, Life Skills Group Counseling , Substance Abuse Group Counseling , Trichotillomania, Socialization, Rape/Sexual Assault, PTSD, Play Therapy, Pet Assisted Therapy, Offender treatment, Family Counseling, Emergency Behavioral Healthcare, Mobile Crisis Unit, Mental Health Counseling, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Parent or Family Support Services , Crisis Hotline, Child/Adolescent, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Developmental Disorder, Early Intervention, Substance Abuse Individual Counseling, Seven Challenges, Parent Education Group, Group Counseling , Clubhouse Model Substance Use Recovery, Teen Issues, Child Sexual Abuse Counseling, Self-Awareness, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Wrap-around, Youth Support Groups, Core Services, Individual Counseling , Sexual Issues/sexual offender, Sex Offender Evaluation, Relaxation, Relationship Skills, Phobias, Motivational Interviewing; CORE services, At-Risk Families, Parenting and Family Services, Crisis Intervention Counseling, Crisis Intervention Stabilization, Psychiatric Evaluation, Family/Youth Support, Depression, Wrap Around Services, Social Skills Training, Outpatient Mental Health Counseling

Organization: Georgia Crisis and Access Line (GCAL)

Phone: 1-800-715-4225


Description: GCAL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year to help you or someone you care for in a crisis. GCAL professionals will: provide telephonic crisis intervention services, dispatch...