HUGS Mental Health Counseling

Category: Offender treatment, Life skills, Mood Disorder, PTSD, Life Skills Group Counseling , Family Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Parent or Family Support Services , Substance Abuse Individual Counseling, Anger Management, Parent Skills Classes, Anti-bullying Programs, Gang Prevention, School Behavior/IEP Management, Child/Adolescent, Group Counseling , Parent Education Group, Individual Counseling , Independent Living Skills, Holistic Approach, At-Risk Families, Parenting and Family Services, Faith based, Parent Counseling, Depression, Trauma, Outpatient Mental Health Counseling

Organization: Heads Up Guidance

Description: Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit from regular consultation and therapy with a mental health professional.

Phone: 912-417-4320


Ages Served: School-Age

Insurance: Self-Pay (Sliding Scale), All services $15-$25 per hour

Language(s): English, Telephone-Based Interpreter Services

Service Setting: In Office

Address: 5 Executive Circle Savannah GA 31406

Phone: 912-417-4320