Georgia Outreach Mental Health Counseling

Category: Offender treatment, Youth Violence Prevention, ADHD, Grief, Mood Disorder, PTSD, Family Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Substance Abuse Individual Counseling, Anti-bullying Programs, Gang Prevention, School Behavior/IEP Management, Family Violence, Child/Adolescent, Individual Counseling , Behavior Modification, At-Risk Families, Parenting and Family Services, Depression, Outpatient Mental Health Counseling

Organization: Georgia Outreach LLC

Phone: (912) 355-3881

Address: 7130 Hodgson Memorial Drive, Suite 101

Description: Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit fro...

Hope Mental Health Counseling

Category: Education Advocacy, Children's Yoga, Grief, Mood Disorder, Pet Assisted Therapy, Play Therapy, PTSD, Socialization, Family Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Anti-bullying Programs, School Behavior/IEP Management, Child/Adolescent, Behavior Modification, Individual Counseling , Developmental Disabilities, At-Risk Families, Parenting and Family Services, Parent Counseling, Depression, Social Skills Training, Outpatient Mental Health Counseling

Organization: Hope Counseling Center of Savannah

Phone: 912-507-2483 912-507-2483

Address: 37 West Fairmont Avenue, #201

Description: Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit fro...

May Institute Mental Health Counseling

Category: Play Therapy, Family Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Wrap-around, Individual Counseling , Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Behavior Modification, At-Risk Families, Parenting and Family Services, Wrap Around Services, Parent Counseling, Outpatient Mental Health Counseling

Organization: May Institute

Phone: 912-432-0592

Address: 5710 Ogeechee Road, Suite 200, #280

Description: Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit fro...

Q and R Consulting Mental Health Counseling

Category: Executive Functioning, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mood Disorder, Family Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, Teen Issues, Self-Awareness, Anti-bullying Programs, Self-esteem, Child/Adolescent, Relationship Skills, Individual Counseling , Behavior Modification, At-Risk Families, Parenting and Family Services, Parent Counseling, Depression, Outpatient Mental Health Counseling

Organization: Q and R Consultation Services, LLC

Phone: 912-665-1856

Address: 9520 Ferguson Avenue

Description: Programs that provide diagnostic and treatment services for individuals whose psychiatric problems or other emotional difficulties are not severe enough to require 24-hour care but who can benefit fro...

SCCPSS Specialized Instruction

Category: Behavior Modification, Developmental Disabilities

Organization: Savannah-Chatham County Public School System

Phone: (912) 395-5877

Address: 208 Bull Street

Description: Specialized instruction that is individually designed is a more intensive, systematic instruction based upon individual needs to learn skills (academic or behavior) that typically developing children...